Hesperia High School will be offering Victor Valley College Dual Enrollment Courses on Hesperia High's Campus for the 2020-2021 academic year. Please fill out this form if you are interested in participating in the program. You will choose from courses within the following departments: general education transferable classes, Criminal Justice, or Restaurant Management classes.
Courses are open to 11th and 12th Grade students only. All costs of the courses are covered by Hesperia Unified School District, including textbooks.
These courses are not a part of our Early College Academy courses. Depending on course selection, courses will be offered during either 1st period, 6th period, or after school.
Once you complete this form, Mrs. Rosenfeld in Counseling A-7 will contact you for the next steps of enrollment.

VVC Dual Enrollment Sign Ups
January 30, 2020